So after my long break I can thankfully say, I have been steadily writing. It's a relief in some ways and at the same time so natural for me. The act of putting words down to create some piece of art is one of the few things that can make me truly happy.
As with any other time I start something artistic I tend to grow contemplative. This time in particular I got to thinking about the information we take in as a writer.
There are so many things. Watch out for these tropes and cliches. What genre am I writing in? What audience am I writing for? Age group? What are agents looking for right now? What is the most successful voice currently for this genre or that? These and more are often floating around an authors mind the more into the business they are.
Am I saying this is not useful information? Of course not, it is smart to be aware of all of this. The problem comes in when we let these things rule our writing. When they start to take over. It reminds me of when studios come along and make a movie because of some other movie that did well. It happens a lot in all types of entertainment.
So what should rule your writing? You. Tell the story you want to tell. Know the tropes and cliches only so you can use them in a way you want to. There is a time to let the business or critical world of writing come in, I call that revisions. When you sit down to write that first draft, just write. Don't start your story with all of these boundaries. It is a good way to get bogged down before your first sentence is written.
Anyway, these are just some of my thoughts while writing. As always, have fun and keep writing.