Wednesday, July 3, 2013


This is an opportunity—a safe haven— for writers everywhere to let their insecurities out and receive and/or offer support and guidance in return. Please click on the above link for a complete list of participants.

I am actually not feeling super insecure at the moment. I had someone read through what I have written on Ashes so far and was pleasantly surprised with their reaction to it. This has spurred me on to more writing and a bout of confidence much needed at this point.

While insecurity isn't an issue at the moment. Being overwhelmed is trying hard to take its place. In the situation I'm in I could push back a deadline if I wanted to. I also would never want to rush getting something out if it wasn't ready. Still my word is something that means a lot to me and I have said this book will be out by August and I aim to have it out and ready.

Sometimes life doesn't think your burden is weighty enough and that it can add a bit more pressure to your pile. I got news yesterday that my great Grandmother passed away. I have a lot of memories of her from my childhood and she was a big influence in my life. I am sad. I think as a writer we live off of our memories sometimes more than some people. So as I mourn the loss and celebrate the life, I feel my writing take on the emotion. 

Life doesn't stop for us to catch up, we have to rush forward and jump on the train or risk missing it. I do this by having the support of a great family and amazing friends. So this week I will not feel insecure or overwhelmed, instead I will rise to the challenge and make the most of the time I have here.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your loss--I hope you can find comfort in your memories of her.

    On a happier note, enjoy your Blitz! :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother Brandon. I'm a firm believer in celebrating life and especially the life of those dear ones who have died.

    It's a good feeling to have the support of friends, family, and other writers to cheer you on!


  3. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences to you and your family.

    Glad to hear you're doing well on the writing front though. You can do it.


  4. Sorry for your loss. Life always picks the wrong moments to get in the way.

    It seems to do it even more when you are a writer.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

  5. So sorry to hear about your great grandmother. That's a really tough thing to go through.

    It's good to hear you're feeling confident about your writing and I wish you luck in finishing your next book by August. I hope you enjoy your Blitz Day. :)

  6. It is hard to lose someone close to you. Your great grandmother will live on in you, with some of the things she has placed inside of you. My prayers are with you during this time.

    Good to know you are on schedule with finishing your book. Keep up the good work. :-)

  7. So sorry to hear about your great grandma. But great news about your book!

    Happy blog blitz day!

  8. It's great that you won't let life's challenges overwhelm you. Sorry about your grandmother. You've been blitzed.

  9. Sooty about your loss. Good luck with your writing. :)

    1. *sorry I mean. The auto correct in this thing I tell you.

  10. Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Maybe you could dedicate your book to her?

    Good luck with your August deadline.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about you great grandmother. Cherish your memories of her x

  12. i read you piece with great interest . isn't it funny how everything in life is interconnected. i'm sorry your granny passed away. i hope she had a full and happy life. good luck with your writing . best wishes from ireland . i'm part of the blitz team. have a lovely day.i read you piece with great interest . isn't it funny how everything in life is interconnected. i'm sorry your granny passed away. i hope she had a full and happy life. good luck with your writing . best wishes from ireland . i'm part of the blitz team. have a lovely day.

  13. Hi, Brandon! Happy Blitz! I think writers supporting writers is absolutely essential to our success. Nobody can understand a writer like another writer. High five!

  14. Happy BLILTZ day.


  15. sorry about your Grandmother. don't let sadness cloud your work.

  16. Sorry to hear of your loss. Having lost my mother earlier this year I know what a blow this can be, but also fully understand what you mean about celebrating life. Your positivity is very inspiring.

  17. Your BLOG has BEEN BLITZED !!!

    It is true that we have the liberty to push our own deadlines a bit further, but it is very difficult to convince the most important person in order to be able to do so - Ourselves!! :)

    Destination Infinity

  18. It's good to see that you got positive feedback and that this has spurred you on to more writing. I think we all go through these periods but having a positive outlook like yours certainly helps us to come out the other side.

  19. Sorry for your loss. Good your writing has received some positive feedback. It always helps spur us on to know we're heading in the right direction.

    Congratulations on your Blog Blitzing today. Hope you enjoy :)

  20. I love your last sentences here, great words to live by. Condolences on your loss. I find writing great therapy for getting through the hard times as well as the good.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  21. Hi Brandon! I applaud you I your determination to get Ashes out. Sorry to hear of your loss.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  22. So sorry about your great-grandmother.
    Life doesn't stop, so we just have to keep moving forward the best we can.
    And happy Blitz day! If you weren't feeling overwhelmed before...

  23. This train is headed in your direction, and its called a BLITZ! I'm sorry to hear about your loss, that sucks, but commend your determined spirit! Enjoy the day! :)

  24. Hi, Brandon. I'm here for your blitz, but I also want to say I'm sorry for your loss.

  25. I'm sorry your great grandmother died. What a sad time. Yes, writing is often about memory. Maybe she'll make her way into one of your stories. Maybe she already has since she had some part in shaping who you are.

  26. "...rise to the challenge and make the most of the time I have." Your great grandmother's influence no doubt...and a tribute to her memory. Happy Blitz Day.

    Sue CollectInTexasGal~Today's Post~
    Fourth Great Grandfather A Continental Freedom Fighter

  27. IWSG & Blitz'ing - sorry to hear of your loss.
    When I get a positive review, it fuels my fire to write more!

  28. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss...
    Happy Blog Blitz Day!
    Writer In Transit

  29. Sorry to hear you've lost your Great Grandmother. No doubt you'll find a way to celebrate her spirit through writing.

    You've been blitzed!

  30. Very encouraging post. Sorry to hear about your Great Grandmother, but you appear to be celebrating her life/spirit in a marvelous way.

    Write well!!
    You've been Blitzed

  31. Sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you can remember her in your writing. Happy Blitz Day.

  32. My sympathies about your great grandmother. Beautiful post about rising to the challenge. Enjoy your blitz day!

  33. Sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you can remember her in your writing. Happy Blitz Day.

  34. I think it's great that you're sticking to your word and will meet your deadline and, you're right, sometimes life sees fit to pile things on us.

    Sorry to hear about your great-grandmother. Losses like that are always tough.

    Hope this Blitz can help brighten your day, even if only a little bit. Take care! :)

  35. I'm so sorry about your great grandmother- It's amazing how things like that help us keep things in perspective, isn't it?

  36. Sorry to hear about your great grandmother, that's sad news.
    I'm glad you're rising to the challenge and not letting yourself get overwhelmed, keep it up!
    Happy Blog Blitz :)

  37. sorry about your grandmother, but good if her life can inspire you. I'm sure she was proud of you and your writing. You can honor her with a strong character or just cherish her in your heart. Writers just feel. Nice post and good luck . Happy blog blitz

  38. I'm so sorry about your loss.

    My emotions can take over when I'm writing.

  39. I'm sorry for your lost, Brandon. {hugs} in your grandmother's memory. And Happy Blitz Day.

  40. Condolences on your Grandmother's passing. I know losing a loved one is never easy.
    However, I applaud your determination to keep moving forwars. Best of luck on getting your book finished, & happy blitz day!

  41. I am here as part of the Blitz, and have not met you before Brandon. I am sorry to visit my first time on such a sad day. My sympathies to you and your family.

  42. Sad for you and your family - thanks for sharing with the community tho
    Take care
    this is part of the blitz hug (hope you feel encouraged)

  43. Sorry to hear of your loss, Brandon. ((hugs))
    But hopefully today's blitz will lift your spirits!! Rock on, brother! :D

  44. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It sounds like she was a wonderful woman.

    I hope the blitz is encouraging and energizing as you try to make your deadline.

  45. I'm so sorry for your loss!

    I'm here blitzing you today and I do hope that our presence will in some way lift your spirits. I love the idea of the group you have linked and I also am so glad that your writing was well received recently...there isn't anything better than having a reader enjoy your words...

  46. So sorry about your Grandma! I've felt this way many times, grateful that writing is my rock in an otherwise crazy, crazy existence. Even though we just met, I believe in you :)

  47. That is a good attitude. I hope you have an uplifting rest of the week!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  48. These are wonderful words - "mourn the loss and celebrate the life." Take care!

    Stopping by from the Blitz...

  49. This was a great post. I know how easy it is to succumb to the feeling of overwhelmed. Good for you for refusing to let it get you though. Sorry to hear about your great grandmother.

    Happy Blitz Day and good luck with your book.

  50. My insecurity comes in quick bursts (usually in the form of a rejection) and then I get over it. Enjoy your Blitz Day!

  51. This is a great way to honor your great grand mother. Thanks for sharing with us. And having support from family and friends is time does not slow down for us.

  52. Genius, a site for insecure writers. Stopping by from the Blitz but will be sure to visit more often. Sorry to hear about your loss and I agree with you that we use our emotions and memories to fuel our writings.

  53. So sorry to hear about your great grandmother, Brandon. She will always watch over you, even though you won't have her physical presence. I'm glad that you have such good memories of her. Best wishes with your new book. You are wise not to rush it, but to plan to have it all set by the time the deadline arrives. I'll be checking in for updates.

  54. Brandon,
    Life and deaths happen. All of us that are left behind can do is remember and smile. Being overwhelmed by real life crashing into your writing life, I know because I'm there too. In fact I wrote about it today on my blog. This to shall pass. May life settle down for both of us so we can do what we love to do. Hang in there. Just a reminder that personal deadlines are meant to be broken.

  55. I'm sorry to hear about your Grandmother. It's always a tough time, going through the grief of losing a loved one.

    You're in my thoughts and I hope the Blitz helps lift your spirits.

  56. Came to blitz, but was very moved by your post. So sorry for your loss. Your writing is a great place to channel your sorrow, or even escape it

  57. I'm here from the blitz!

    Sorry to hear about your great grandmother. But I definitely agree it's good to celebrate the life whenever possible

  58. I don't even remember my great-grandparents - I think they must have died before I was old enough to realise who they were and they probably lived a long way away. So you are lucky to have those memories of somebody who was clearly very special to you.

  59. Grandmothers are great, aren't they? Amazing how much we learn and treasure from them, how much we remember of the small insignificant things ... and how like them we are too. So sorry for your loss, but obviously, you have wonderful memories.

    I'm here from Blitz and IWSG. Glad you're in a place where your pushing on confidently, not battling insecurity or letting yourself get overwhelmed. Those two things always threaten us. Enjoyed your post!

  60. I'm here from the Blitz.

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

  61. I have memories of some of my great grandparents. One in particular has a special place in my heart. I'm sorry for your loss. I love what you said about not letting life pass you by and rising to meet the challenge. Your post was very encouraging.

  62. My condolences. And Happy Blitz Day (though it seems a bit weird to say these two things in the same comment.)

  63. Happy Blitz Day and best of luck getting your book ready by August :)

  64. So sorry about your great Grandmother. At least you still have fond memories of her. Hold strong to your positive attitude, it's the thing that will help you reach your goals. (:

  65. I am so sorry for your loss. Hopefully writing can provide an outlet for the emotions that you are experiencing. I wish so much success on your book. I have hopped around a bit in regards to the Insecure Writers Group, maybe it's time I join in :) Writers helping writers, nothing better than that. Happy blitz day.

    Meredith’s Musings

  66. I just lost my grandmother last month -- I share in your dual feelings of celebrating your great-grandmother's life and mourning the loss of her. Hard to press on with your writing schedule, and yet for me, it makes me all the more driven to do what I'm here to do. Write.

  67. Happy Blitz Day! I'm so sorry about your great grandmother. I'm sure she was a wonderful person. Best of luck with your writing. It sounds like you are doing really well with it!

  68. Well said! God Bless Great-Grandma. It sounds like she had a long, happy life and it's so nice that you have those good memories of her.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day! New follower here :)

  69. So sorry to hear about your loss..
    But happy Blitz Day! Hopefully that can buoy your writing a bit! :)

  70. Rising to the challenge: a great way to honor your great-grandmother.

  71. Like you say cherish those memories - and write them down for the do sadly fade xx
    Can you tell yet you've been blitzed?!
    Suzanne @Suzannes Tribe

  72. Life keeps moving. The trick is to keep moving with it. But I think you have that figured out.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  73. Making memories are the best! Happy blitz day Brandon!

  74. Happy Blitz Day! So sorry about your great-grandmother. But awesome that you're feeling good about your writing.

  75. So sorry for your loss. I hope this blitz helps to brighten your day! :)

  76. As writers, I think we channel a lot of our emotions into our writing. It's the only way!

  77. Isn't that a great feeling, when you share a story and get a positive reaction?

    Happy blitz day!

  78. A lot of non-insecurity this month. I wonder if it's something in the air. No matter, whatever it is I'll take it.

    'Rush forward and jump on the train or risk missing it.' I like that sentiment. I don't want to miss a thing.

    Nice to meet you. BTW you've been blitzed.

  79. As if life hasn't dumped enough on you lately, here we all are... piling on top of you. But we're a happy supportive pile, because you, dear sir, have been blitzed! Enjoy!

    So sorry to hear about your loss. I hope this quote helps: "Death is not extinguishing the light; is is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come." [Rabindranath Tagore]

    You've got a terrific attitude, and I'm sure it'll help you meet that book deadline.

  80. Happy blitz day, Brandon!!! I'm so sorry to hear about your great-grandmother. I am glad that you have such wonderful memories of her. I think the ones we love who pass on will always live on in our writing. I know you'll catch that train! Just keep on going.

  81. I'm so sorry for your loss, Brandon. She would be proud to hear you say you will rise to the challenge, I'm sure.

    Memories, emotions, yes... tap into all of it and let it pour into your book. Standing by one's word is one of those honors that not most people have, so I know you'll make it happen. You can do it! As always... have fun reading all your comments today and keep on writing :D

    Happy Blitz Day!

  82. I hope having your "Happy Blitz Day" fall on a day when you're suffering a loss turns out to be a positive thing. How wonderful that you had a chance to know and be influenced by your great-grandmother. Cherish those memories.

  83. So sorry for your loss. I also mine my memories for writing. Those are the experiences that have made me who I am today and shape who I am as a writer. Happy Blitz Day!

  84. I feel your overwhelmshipness! Losing a precious relative on top of everything else? You are an inspiration for seeing these pressures as challenges and taking them on. So glad I stopped by to join the blitz! Stay strong!

  85. Condolences to your great grandmother. It's amazing that you knew her. Being the last born from the youngest parents in the family, most of my grandparents were gone before highschool. Last grandmother died after my son was born. Circle of life, my friend.

    Best of luck to your new project! It'll turn out awesome, I'm sure. :)

  86. So sorry for your loss, will send thoughts and prayers for you and your family. I fully understand the LIFE overwhelming. Just take a deep breath and know that soon you'll be on the other side of the stresses :) Good luck and happy blitz day!

  87. When my great grandmother died, I felt a huge loss, too. My grandmother died when I was very little (8 years old) so I spent hours and hours ant my great grandparents house. I was very close to her and still miss her today.

    Happy Blog Blitz, and happy ISWG day:)

  88. Love the way you put that: "So as I mourn the loss and celebrate the life, I feel my writing take on the emotion." So true in my life.

    Sending my condolences to your family.

    Hoping the Blitz day sends shine your way!

    Deeply Shallow

  89. I'm sorry for your loss,'s terribly difficult, losing those we love, but our memories of them keep their spirit alive in our hearts *as a writer, even more so* I whole-heartedly agree with the lovely way you summed up the challenges we face in life and how we must jump at every opportunity to keep our dreams from being just that...dreams. Wishing you great success with Ashes!

  90. Monday was the anniversary of my grandmother's death. My daughter just turned one and I am so sad they will never know each other. Mame would have gotten a kick out of her. So I've decided she needs to be a character in one of my stories so Calliope can get to know her that way. Nothing to do with my feels but write them out, right?

    Happy Blitz Day!

  91. I am so sorry about the loss of your grandmother.
    As far as being overwhelmed--I am there all the time. It's definitely a matter of keeping the head above water enough to float for even a moment or two in the midst of all the craziness.
    I hope you're able to reach your August goal. If not, that's okay, too.

  92. My condolences on the loss of your precious grandmother.

    On a lighter note - you've been blitzed bahbee!

    Cheers ~

  93. Feeling into the moments of your life is the only perfect thing we can do. We create from that place. Peace to you as you grieve and energy to pass through it and into the next season.


  94. I agree that your emotions can filter right into your writing, sometimes in surprising ways. You may not write about her directly, but your memories and feelings may come out through a totally different piece of writing. Sorry about your grandma.

  95. I love this post.
    Very heartfelt.
    I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure she would want you to do your very best. Keep to your goal. Have faith in yourself. Take a few breaks to recharge. Keep at it. Write.

    Best of luck.

    You've been blitzed!
    I hope this makes you smile when you don't feel like smiling. :)

    Heather M. Gardner

  96. Hi Brandon,
    So sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my mother two years ago and my husband a few years before that so I feel your pain. It seems that you're handling the loss much better than I did.
    On a brighter note, congratulations on sticking with your schedule. The writer's life is often a solitary road and without self-motivation we would all fall by the wayside. It sounds like you have a very good supply of self motivation, LOL.
    Oh yes, and HAPPY BLITZ DAY!!

  97. Hi Brandon,
    So sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my mother two years ago and my husband a few years before that so I feel your pain. It seems that you're handling the loss much better than I did.
    On a brighter note, congratulations on sticking with your schedule. The writer's life is often a solitary road and without self-motivation we would all fall by the wayside. It sounds like you have a very good supply of self motivation, LOL.
    Oh yes, and HAPPY BLITZ DAY!!

  98. Sorry to hear about your loss but I'm glad your grandma was such an amazing inspiration. Happy Blitz Day - you've now got 100 comments, awesome!

  99. My condolences on the loss of your great grandmother.

  100. So very sorry about your loss.

    Nothing wrong with adjusting your schedule. Give yourself time to edit, get cover art, and start early promotions.

    And happy Blitz day!

  101. So sorry to hear about your Grandma. Just look how much awesome support you have around here and now many more people around the world have been able to spare a thought for your Grandma too. Happy Blits Day, Brandon.

  102. Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. Glad though that you have such supportive family and friends. Good to meet you through the Blitz!

  103. Rise to it! And celebrate that you had the opportunity to know your great Grandmother. may she be in the happiest of all places at this moment.

    Congrats on the wonderful feedback on your latest.

  104. I'm sorry for the loss of your Great Grandmother. I'm glad you have good memories to comfort you. I think you're right about writers living in their memories more than the average person. We draw from what we know, people we've met, places we've been, to create the places we invent. All part of the process.
    I'm glad to hear that your work is going well, and I admire your attitude expressed in your last line.
    It's nice to meet you! Happy Blitz Day!
    Tina @ Life is Good

  105. Never gone are those that live on in the memories of loved ones. Perhaps a short piece remembering your great grandmother would fill the emotional void periodically and allow you to move on with your project? Just a thought. Imagine how wonderful it will feel to meet your deadline - keep at it!

  106. I understand the overwhelmed part and wanting to keep your word. My condolences on your loss. I only had one great grandmother who passed when I was very young. My memories of her are vague. I was fortunate to have my grandparents into my adult life. I think you're right about us clinging to memories.

  107. Happy Blitz day!
    I'm sorry for your loss. I never really know what to say when loss has happened to those around me, but know you are in my thoughts.
    Overwhelmed sometimes can take the place of insecurity.
    I wish you the best of luck!

  108. Hi, Brandon! I'm sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your family peace and comfort in the memories of your great grandmother.

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  109. I'm so sorry for your loss! When we lose someone dear to us, we lose a part of ourselves and are never quite the same afterward.

    Being overwhelmed-I know all about that. Between staying at home with three boys 5 and under, my writing and working as an editor, I'm always feeling overwhelmed.

    Keep trucking along!

    Happy blitz day!

    ~Nicole (new follower)

  110. Life's events seem to happen at the worst times. Keep moving forward as the view from the back is not nearly as good. You'll be stronger through it all. Loved seeing your blog on this special blitz day. I'll be sure to stop by again.

  111. Happy Blitz Day!
    I'm sorry for your loss. At least you have wonderful memories to draw upon. We get so busy with our lives - and overwhelmed - that we sometimes take it for granted there will always be a later time to visit with people.

  112. So sorry for your loss. Grandmothers are very, very special people! Still miss mine. Move forward with your positive thoughts and memories, you'll get there!

  113. So sorry to hear about your grandmother. I use all these types of moments to convey emotions in my writing. Its great you have such fond memories of her. It's so nice to hear nice things about what your working on. Good luck with keeping your deadline, but most important, enjoy the process. Consider yourself blitzed.

  114. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's good to have the outlet of writing to get those emotions out. I hope your Blitz Day can help too.

  115. I'm sorry about your great grandmother. It must be fairly rare to be an adult and still have a great grandmother living. As for IWSG, I'm much too insecure to let anyone know I'm insecure.


  116. Brandon, sorry to hear you lost your grandmother, but as you pointed out, the support of friends and loved one is invaluable.

  117. Aloha Brandon,

    My condolences too on your Grandma passing (although your sad news made me think of my Oma, who passed away in 2007.

    I remembered some wonderful childhood memories, too, and there really must be a special place in heaven for Grandmas :)

    Take care and don't get too overwhelmed on your Blitz Day, buddy :)

  118. So sorry for your loss. How amazing that at this time you were blitzed and can feel the encouragement of writers everywhere. Praying for you.

  119. Hi Brandon, I also offer you my condolences for your Grandmother. May you find inspiration in her life and having known her. All the best for your Blitz Day.

  120. I'm so sorry for your loss. I do like the way you handle it. Enjoy your Blitz Day

  121. Sorry to hear about your loss Brandon. Best wishes for your Blitz Day

  122. My condolences on the loss of your great-grandma. It's a really special thing to have a great-grandparent in one's life, particularly into adulthood.

  123. My condolences to you on your loss. I'm sure the dog pile of blitzes will offer you much comfort! Best wishes on your blog blitz day.s

  124. I'm so sorry to hear about your great grandmother. I was very, very close to my great grandmother and was devastated when she passed.

    And I don't think there's anything wrong with adjusting your schedule if you need to. Life doesn't always respect our best laid plans.

    Take care.

  125. My above Blitz comment signed off as Lilica Blake on Google but I'm actually blitzing you as my alter ego You've been blitzed twice by me! Although, I have no idea what I did before. Hmmm...

  126. I traveled across the state today so I'm slow joining the fun. I hope you had a great Blitz Day! Enjoy your week!

  127. So sorry to hear about your loss, but I am thrilled to see that you're turning it into the best possible situation that you can. Confidence is key is terribly cliche, but it's so true. If we don't feel good about what we write, then why should others care about it?
    Prayers for you and your family in the loss, but many hope that others will see the things we should take from life.

  128. So sorry to hear of the loss of your great grandmother. I know how your feeling. My thoughts and prayers with your family.

  129. Hope you enjoyed your blitz!

  130. I don't know many people that can say they were close to their great-grandmother. That relationship you had was a precious thing, and I'm sorry for your loss. As a writer, it's certainly a gift to be able to carry that relationship and the emotions around this sad time into your writing, where they can find positive expression.

    I'm a bit late to the party, but I hope you've had a great blitz day, Brandon! :)

  131. So sorry to hear of the loss of your great grandmother. Treasure the wonderful memories you have of her, maybe even memorialize them in your writing. Happy Blog Blitz day!

  132. Sorry for your loss.
    I think having support for writers' insecure moments is a wonderful idea. All it takes is one comment given at the wrong time or in the wrong way and I recoil. The temptation to give up in case someone might actually read the book and give a candid opinion on it - which of course would be negative - is just overwhelming at times.
    Still, we do just keep writing. If we could stop, we would have by now.

  133. Losing a close relative is never a happy thing, Im sorry for your loss.

    Also happy Blitz day.

  134. Sorry to hear this. My grandfather has been gone since 2010 and I still can't believe it. I feel like I could pick up the phone and call him right now. Happy Blitz Day.

  135. Sorry about your Grandmother; but yes, we do have to focus on the now as authors. Use the emotions to create realistic characters, someone the world could enjoy and empathize with. Writers have the unique ability to infuse the world with our emotions.


  136. very sorry for your loss...i am glad to hear you have many good memories, thoug...

    Consider yourself blitzed...yet again! :)

  137. very sorry for your loss...i am glad to hear you have many good memories, thoug...

    Consider yourself blitzed...yet again! :)

  138. very sorry for your loss...i am glad to hear you have many good memories, thoug...

    Consider yourself blitzed...yet again! :)

  139. Sorry about your Great Grandmother.

    Enjoy your blitz.

  140. Hi, Brandon. I'm so sorry for your loss. Hold on to your many wonderful memories of your Great Grandmother.

    Sorry I wasn't able to stop by yesterday for the blitz. HAPPY belated BLITZ DAY!

  141. I'm so sorry about your Great Grandmother. But you're right; writers thrive on memories. Glad you have lots of happy ones to hold onto.

  142. Hang in there. My sincerest sympathies. Happy Belated BLITZ Day (if there is such a thing!)
    With great respect! Ambrozya

  143. I do relate to the overwhelm thing... I think we all go through it. Hang in there, enjoy your creative journey and best of luck to you in reaching your goals.

    Oh and a very happy blitz! I'm glad you got chosen. :-)

  144. Sorry to be late to the blitzifying day! Was on the road with phone and couldn't read the blue on black.
    I am sorry for your loss of your great grandmother. It's nice to have people in our lives that give us memories to tuck away!

  145. Happy belated blitz day! I apologize for being late. :(
    My condolences on the loss of your great grandmother. What a beautiful way to remember her... to use the memories and emotions for your writing.

  146. Sorry to hear about your great grandmother. Sounds like you are honoring her in a wonderful way. My prayers are with you and your family.
