Monday, December 16, 2013

Help the Fantasy.

It's no secret that my first love in writing and reading is Fantasy. I am talking about sword and sorcery, get a horse and rise to the occasion, Fantasy. I grew up reading it and truly feel there is nothing better out there.

If you feel like I do or know someone who does there is a really cool thing going on over at Regarding Silexare. David has put together an awesome Kickstarter for his novel A Sawmill's Hope.

The Kickstarter will be coming to an end in seven days and some more pledges would be welcome. He has put together some cool packages and some neat stretch goals.

Check out the Video.

Go check out the Kickstarter. Even if you have only a few bucks this is your chance to become part of something that will be an amazing world and work of Fantasy.


  1. One more week - I bet he hits his target.

  2. Ahhh! Thanks so much for believing and sharing, Brandon!!

    Alex, I sure hope so!

  3. I hope you'll visit my blog. You are a winner in my giveaway.

