Thursday, March 27, 2014

Editor wanted. Editor found!

It is interesting for me to look back on my journey so far. I have always wanted to be a writer. For as long as I have known how stories were made I have been trying to make them. It is particularly interesting though that my first series was the Light Bringer. I have my wife to thank for that. She believed in these books before anyone else knew of them. It was her that pushed me to publish in the first place. 

I had always assumed I would write one of my "old world" fantasies and query them until I found a publisher. Well, as most of you in the book world know, things are changing. Most people advise now, that even if you want to traditionally publish you should self pub. to start getting your brand out there. 

These books have always been sort of an experiment for me. A test of the waters if you will. Interestingly, at least to me, is that people seem to really enjoy them. I am glad they do and have had so much fun writing them. If I have had one complaint it was that the editing needed some work. 

As I move into the third book I aim to fix this issue and retroactively fix the first two as well. I was lucky enough in my blogging time to meet a wonderful person. You know her as Janie Junebug. I, luckily, now know her as my editor. I will be releasing a second edition of the first books that she is in the process of editing now and then she will take on the project of editing the third book in the series for me. 

I am extremely happy to have her working with me and can't wait to see what we produce together. 

A - Z

Quickly I want to mention this. New baby and all I was not sure if I could keep my commitment to do A-Z for the first time this year. I was lucky to find some free time to work on my post so thankfully it is a go. 

As to what I am doing, I wanted to keep it simple. I love animals and I love writing so I am combining the two. I will A to Z my way through 26 unique animals and give a short writing prompt to go with each. If I finish them in time I will also draw a picture for each post. 

Last, is a quick update on my wife. She goes back to the doctor on the 11th. So far she seem to be in good health and we are very positive. 

Anyway, this is what is going on in my life, can't wait to see you all in April as we celebrate the alphabet. As always, have fun and keep writing. 


  1. Sounds like a wonderful bunch of things is happening in the Ax household! First of all, I'm so glad to hear the news on your wife. I'm sure it's been a great relief to you that she's been doing well.

    And congratulations on snagging Janie! I'm sure she'll be a hoot to work with. Your books are so creative and phenomenal. Now they'll be over the top.

    1. Thank you. I am happy to have finally taken this step for my writing.

  2. Congrats on finding an editor, having free time to take on some prescheduling, and all my best wishes to your wife's trip to the doctor.

    See you in April!

    Alex Hurst, fantasy author in Japan, participating in Blogging A-Z April Challenge.

  3. Well, congratulations. Janie will, IMHO, help you refine certain elements of your books while not burying your style under her own.

    1. Nah. I bury everybody's style under my own.

    2. lo, Luckily I am pretty strong in my style so I think we will workout.

  4. Thank you, Brandon. The boys and I love it when you stop by with your dragon. He's so well trained.

    Janie, who is honored to be your editor

  5. I just love Ms. Junebug. I think you've made a wonderful selection in choosing her and the boys.

    1. I agree with you. Also I am trying to follow your blog but blogger and Google are having some major issue right now. Hope it is fixed soon.

  6. Good to hear your wife's doing well. And stoked you found an editor. It's really exciting (and a bit scary) having someone take apart your creation for its greater good!
    I'm still up in the air on doing the A-Z challenge. There's so much else I could be doing... But it is such a unique opportunity!

    1. A-Z is a lot of work, but it is a cool thing to be a part of.

      I am glad I finally found someone. I can't wait to see what happens.

  7. Busy, busy time at your house. I love animals too and am looking forward to your posts.

  8. Ah the cute, young hottie that I shouldn't mention Janie drooling all over... Being able to call Ms Janie Junebug yor edditor (see, I need her too) must make you drool all over the cake I won't mention she mentioned in her post. Congratulations, sir. Be careful, though. She drools a lot on cute, young hotties like yourself - or so she keeps telling me. I'd like a post on that.

    But seriously, good luck with the third book and the baby. You must be a busy man.

  9. Wahoo! Janie is epic. (Even when she picks apart the typos in my posts.) I love that woman, and you really couldn't do better. I'm stoked for you!
