Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Life of writing.

With how long it took between Ashes and Light Bringer, I didn't want to be in that spot again so I have been trying to stay busy. With four kids, pets and full time...overtime, job—that get's problematic.

Luckily I have a CP and wife who helps me stay on track. It is really important to have people around you that support you and don't let you let yourself down.

Of course that doesn't mean every day is as productive as it could be.

So I woke up today and was raring to go. I sat at my computer, brought up the word browser, typed ten words and jumped on FB. Because...well, FB.

That led to youtube because, of course.

I then made breakfast for my kids and wife.

Proceeded to watching every DragonCon video that contained Jim Butcher.

Had to play faces with my three year old.

My dog, Sadie, had to go outside then instantly needed a rub down.

There was a small crisis of my youngest deciding my three year old was a stepping stool.

Then finally everyone but me took a nap.

Free time. I can write now. So I wrote this blog.

Life as a writer is funny.

Anyway, I figured I would let everyone know that I have a free weekend coming up for Elemental. Starting Friday if you have never read my series or know someone who might want to check it out, they can do so up until Sunday.

I hope everyone is well. I'll talk to you all again soon.


  1. That's how it goes. One thing leads to another...

  2. Well, I understand about the kids, dog and family, but if you want to write, leave Facebook and the others alone. You know that as well as I do of course.

    1. I sure do. It is one of those bits of advice that I know and have trouble following.

    2. Must admit I too love Jim Butcher. But I don't have any writing deadlines to worry about.

  3. Okay, but in all fairness today's FB was a productive writing plan meeting. So . . . it counts towards work of the craft, I say.

    Yay for Elemental being free!!! I'll be sure to pimp it! :D

    1. Hey, that is our word and we are sticking to it!!

  4. We all have such interruptions, unfortunately. But it helps if you avoid social media, as I do... except for blogging.

    1. I need to avoid it more. I just love Jim Butcher so much.

  5. No Facebook for you, my friend and client. I hereby banish you from it.

    The Queen

  6. It's wonderful that you were able to write a post after all the distractions. I would have gone to sleep after all the interruptions :D

  7. Yeah it gets hard at times, but all worth it.
