Friday, June 21, 2013


Okay two weeks in a row and no IF...what? Well As my time is being consumed with writing I tend to fail at other things. Like getting blogs up. I am blogging now, you say, why not just do the IF? Well my friends it is because I feel the need to share something new that is happening with my writing. Something that I am very excited about.

I need another project like I need an extra hole in my...well you get the picture. So what is this grand new project? Glad you asked. For a few years now I have had this story idea floating around in this jug I call a head. As someone who mostly reads and writes Fantasy, having this story was somewhat unique for me. Why? Because it is a Sci-Fi story.

I know, right? So why have I not tried to write it? Well I do enjoy reading Science Fiction. Still comparatively the amount of books I've read in the genre is quite small. While I enjoy the idea and characters I have come up with, I always feared some of the terms and tech might not come off as strong with me writing it. So on the back burner it sat.

Enter friend. So a life long for real I have known him since I was eleven....gets to talking with me about my writing. He is also an aspiring author and guess what he loves to read? Exactly. So we just started brain storming and it has gone amazingly. The out put and story ideas are just flowing. So I get to add a new word to my writing life—collaboration. 

I am still focused on Ashes, but when it is done. I plan on spending at least a portion of my time working together to get this book in shape. I can't wait to share more about it.

So has any of you ever collaborated for a novel or something else? How did it go?

Anyway hope you are all enjoying your weekend. As always have fun and keep writing.


  1. I've had an offer to collaborate on a fantasy story, which is the genre I read most, but not sure if I'm ready. Not sure I'll write anything again at this point.
    I say go for it. Sounds like the two of you could come up with something amazing.

    1. I really hope so. It has been fun. How is the music going?

  2. You do have the enthusiasm there so you should do it. I did it once and it was so much fun to write! It was amazing, well in my experience, it was. Great story, big fun. Glad to hear you're busy writing. Have a good weekend!

    1. IT is there. Glad you enjoyed yours. Yes writing is taking over lol. You as well.

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  5. Hey, Axie has new friends! Cool drawing ;)

    I get what you are saying, I've been into editing so much lately that I've abandoned all social media & laundry & stuff o_0

    Anyway, a collaboration for a novel where you can both benefit from each others strength sounds like a good plan. I can imagine how fun it would be to write a novel with a friend, have fun with it ;)

    1. Lol, yes a grumpy dwarf that is yet to be named.

      Laundry is a dirty word at this point.

      You offering? lol I hope it will be fun. It has been so far.

  6. I'm not a collaborative type, but I think it's cool that you can do it.


    1. Well we will see if I can, lol. I do like control. still, "Hiiigh hopes.." and all that.

  7. I've worked off and on with a writing partner for years. He's also one heck of an artist. We're currently re-vamping a comic we did back in 1987!

    1. That is awesome hope to see some of it one day.

  8. I've been having a hard time settling on a idea in the past 9 months. I'd love it if I had a collaborator from my CPs who would stay positive and come up with new ideas when I falter. But they're working on their own stuff, and I have to put on my Big Girl Pants and do it myself.
    Wishing you luck with whatever WIP you're working on. :-)

    1. Thank you, yes, I guess there is ups and downs with everything.

  9. Collaborations can really get the creative juices flowing, so best of luck with it!

  10. There are very few people in my life that I feel collaborative with. And that's the first time I've ever said collaborative.
    I'd love to have a fellow aspiring author around for input and feedback!
    Good luck finishing Ashes and starting into SciFi

    1. Yeah don't think it would work with very many people. Ty, good luck on your writing as well.

  11. Hey there I am visiting today on the BLITZ.. (7/3).. A fun collaboration is WRITE A STORY WITH ME started by author Jennifer M. Eaton ( it is a story she started and other authors sign up for it, each writes 250 words. it is interesting to see where it goes. It is just for fun. Check out the website if you are interested... Happy Writing.
