Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer Time.

Well the kids are out of school, the weather is hot and for me it is official—Summer is here. 

As a writer what this means to me is, it's time to change my habits again. No more taking the kids to school and getting some quality writing time in while they are there. I now tend to write at night when they go to bed, or early in the mornings when everyone is still asleep.

It is kind of nice to change things up. Still time moves on and it is bittersweet for me. My deadline looms, my first born will be heading off to middle school in a few months and my birthday comes to push me further into my 30s. 

Still, I am here. I am living my dream as a writer and I get to watch as my children take their steps toward becoming adults. Time to throw the ball(which ever variety you prefer) around, jump in a swimming pool, take a weekend vacation to the beach.

Summer is here and I hope you all find it an enjoyable one.

Oh and another thing, I got 100 followers, that is amazing for me and I am glad to have each and every one of you.

As always have fun, and keep writing.


  1. And you are still young enough you can easily adjust to those changes!
    Summer for me will be a chance to catch up on the books occupying my iPad, along with more guitar practice. Writing, not so sure about.
    Hope you get a lot of writing done and meet your deadline.

    1. ME too, hope the reading and practice go well. Yes I adjust fairly well to change.

  2. Have a great summer, Brandon. Have fun! Writing time can sometimes be a balancing act, and I'm glad to see you've found a way.

    1. You as well and yes when it first happened a few years ago it threw me, but I'm getting the hang of it now.

  3. Hey right now there are 101 followers! Yay :D

    Hope the change of schedule brings you more inspiration for reaching that deadline, no worries about getting further into your 30's... it's a happy place where you will have 2 books out, woot!

    A weekend vacation? I need one of those but with 15 extra days ;)

    1. TY.

      Me too, it seems to be going okay so far. Yes a two booker I shall be. :)

      17 day weekend? Sounds awesome.

  4. I loved having my kids at home during the summer. We had passes for a city pool, where I could stare at the toy boy lifeguards. Congratulations on your 100 followers.


    1. Do the kids draw with you? I bet they'd like that. I can't draw, but I took my kids to art classes and they're both very good.

    2. Yes those Life guards can be some eye candy, :P. We go to my mom's pool and the kids love it, I am just glad they both swim so well.

      Yes we draw together a good bit, they will be much better than me in time. Both love reading and art and I couldn't be happier about that.

  5. You now have 102 followers! Love your illustrations, btw.

  6. Congrats on the 100 followers! As for summer, I'm so glad it's here. Nothing is better than late night writing sessions. :)

    1. I agree something special about writing at night.

  7. Sometimes, switching things up can help get the creative juices flowing.

    I've always liked writing late at night...when the house (and neighborhood) is quiet. Very serene :)
