Saturday, April 20, 2013

It's Here!!

If I was doing the A-Z challenge today would be easy, R is for Release Day. It is finally here. I woke up today with the sun shinning and my e-mail holding two messages saying that both versions of my book were ready for purchase.

I am very excited to see what people think of the work. I'm antsy to see a review done on it. To hear the good the bad and the ugly/beautiful that people often banter about books. Most of all though I am just happy it is finally finished.

I think it is hard for any writer to let go, but I feel that this is a completed story. That Sophia and all the others that both live within this story and have lived with me inside my head all this time, are in good hands.

I really want to thank those that helped with the cover reveal and will be sending out some e-mails to some for possible promotion. Anyone interested in spreading the word about this book I would greatly appreciate any help. There is a description here and an excerpt here.  

The story in itself is one about finding acceptance of yourself and where you belong in life, painted behind a colorful backdrop of demons and Elementals. I enjoyed writing this book immensely and hope you enjoy reading it.

Anyone interested in purchasing the book, here are two links:
Kindle eBook
Trade Paperback

Anyway my work is just beginning, as always have fun and keep writing.


  1. *Party hat and whistles*

    I'm very excited for you! I just bought my copy, well downloaded really, but still. Will get a review up soon ;)

  2. Very nice cover! I wish you all the success, congrats! Checking out your pitch. Writer’s Mark

  3. Congratulations on your books getting published :)

  4. Ooh, I really like that cover. Congrats on the release!

    1. Thank you, I was really happy with it as well.

  5. Congrats! that's awesome! And I love the picture!

  6. Congratulations, Brandon! Great cover!

  7. Hey, CONGRATS! The cover is attractive; love the artwork. Best wishes for your release!!!

  8. Congratulations! Love the cover.

  9. Awesome! Put up a post about your book today. Looks nice on the blog! :)

    1. Cool and ty. I just updated my post to show it.

  10. This is very cool! Congrats!
    I wanted to email you in response to your offer for a character interview, but couldn't find it. I'd like to do one for Z. Let me know if you'd still like to do that. Thanks!

    1. Yeah that would be awesome. E-mail is

  11. How exciting :) congrats!!!

    I'm heading over to read the description right now!
