Tuesday, April 22, 2014

S is for...


Fun Fact: This arachnid has over 2000 species and one can be found in most countries around the world. Scorpions give birth to live young in litters ranging from 4 to 9 babies. The new scorpions instantly climb on their mothers back and are cared for until they can hunt on their own.

Fun story: There is a story in my family. It is something I have been told since I was young. I had a great, great, etc, grandfather who was in the civil war. He was a young man and had not started a family. 

During the preparation for an upcoming battle he was stung by a scorpion leaving the man in a sickbed while his fellows went to fight. Nearly every man was killed in this battle. 

After he finished his service, the man went home and found a wife and had children which through time led to my birth. Is it true? Maybe, but one thing is for sure—I don't look at scorpions the way most people do.

Thanks everyone see you tomorrow. 


  1. Lucky for you he was stung and survived.

  2. Yikes! Well I'd call that a God-send if the story is true. You never know what blessing are going to stem out of a little suffering, eh?

    True Heroes from A to Z

  3. Great story of a unique survival. Love the cartoon too--great laugh!
    Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com

  4. Great story. Lucky for you. I do NOT like scorpions. You say nearly every country, I have never heard of them in Canada, I wonder.........

  5. NICE ANECTODE.. everything happens for a reason..

  6. As a Scorpio, I enjoyed this post... and the cartoon.

  7. Very cool, true or not, it makes for a good story. Blessed by a scorpion, I like it! :D

  8. Interesting. My father has a tattoo of a scorpion on his chest and the carcass of a scorpion he once had as a pet in one of our freezers. Scorpions are cool.

  9. Scorpions, it turns out, are not as evil as it was thought. Well, this scorpion anyway.

  10. That is a neat story! Without that scorpion you might not be here.

  11. Many of us are here because of the 'Fateful Events' of our ancestors. The Civil War was wrought with untold number of 'Fateful Event's' mostly having to do with sickness and being in the right/wrong place at the right/wrong time. So, why not a Saved by Scorpion Story....it certainly could have happened. Civil War records are quite detailed and available today including infirmed soldiers and battlefield casualties. Give it a try... Name, North or South, will get you started.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

  12. Since I am a scorpion and out of curiosity, I conducted a little search to discover potential human benefits of scorpions. Apparently there is ongoing research into scorpion venom as a possible treatment for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Yet another reason to consider changing one's point of view about a little understood arachnid. via A to Z Challenge

  13. Awesome story! I would be one of those people who are not exactly fond of scorpions, but I can see how you would be. On the day of my BFF's wedding, a black scorpion crawled up and got caught in her dress! It was so creepy- it didn't bite her, but we will never forget it!!

  14. Oh wow, what a story. To think a scorpion could be responsible for your existence...

  15. I like that story! And I guess I never thought of the fact that scorpions were arachnids. I learn something new every day.

  16. Who would have imagined he'd catch a Lucky Break being bitten by a scorpion????

  17. It was a blessing indeed...love the cartoon!
    Very interesting story and facts...Thank you for sharing!

  18. Glad you're here, but scorpions still freak me out!

  19. Huh! Saved by a scorpion. X's family has an ancestor who survived fighting in the Civil War (what was so civil about it?) but died at the victory celebration in Washington, D.C. We don't know what killed him.


  20. This reminds me so much of my son...he has been a "button-a-holic" since the day he found them!
    Too funny! <3

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
    My A to Z
    Caring for My Veteran

  21. I totally agree with how you feel about that scorpion...

    Each of us have a unique twist and turn in our lives... that had just one small thing happened differently, it would have been easy for us to not be here today... 150 or so years after some event...

    Interesting post!!

