Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Y is for...

(Sorry it is Y and it has been a long month, lol.)

Fun Facts: Yaks are a herd animal of central Asia. The herds range from 10 to 100 yaks, mostly female. Distinguished by its long fur, the yak is in the same cow family as the American bison. An herbivore the yak has more than one stomach to help it get the most nutrients it can out of the plants it eats. 

Thanks guys, see you all tomorrow for the final letter of the month. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

X is for....

Knee Update: It still hurts, but seems to be getting better. Thanks everyone that stopped by my last post. 

X-ray Tetra

Fun Fact: The most distinctive feature is its translucent skin which allows its backbone to easily be seen. This species of tetra is set apart from its brethren by the fact that is can handle harsher waters as well as the freshwater normal tetra live in. The X-ray tetra have excellent hearing. Their special skeletal system receives vibrations sent out from the swim bladder which is then taken to the inner ear. 

Thanks everyone, see you all tomorrow. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

V & W is for....

So Thursday night I hurt my knee. I have pretty much been in bed with some pain meds. Unfortunately that means I didn't get my post up. It also means I was not able to get the drawings done I wanted. I was really looking forward to W. Hopefully Monday everything will be better. Sorry for some generic post. 

Vampire Bat

Fun Fact: It may look ferocious, but the vampire bat's body usually doesn't grow larger than the human thumb. Anyone with a fear of these flying mammals may want to stay clear of their colonies which can grow to be a 1000 strong. Though adept flyers, the V bat's arms and legs allow it to move quite fast on the ground. When the prey is found they land and quickly run up to their usually sleeping victims and bite down drinking their flowing blood. 


Fun Fact: Thought to be an ice age survivor the wolf is accepted as the ancestor of the domestic dog. An excellent predator the wolf can be found in many different climates thriving. Wolves can interbreed freely with dogs, coyote, and jackals to produce healthy offspring. But not foxes who are to far separated genetically. With no natural predator it was left to humans to destroy their habitat and hunt then onto the endangered species list. 

Thanks everyone see you Monday. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

U is for...

Before I get started on the A-Z, Elizabeth at Unicorn Bell was nice enough to do an interview with me about Elemental. If you guys would like you can check it out, click here. Thanks, now to our regularly scheduled programming.


Fun Fact: Known for its bare red face, the uakari is a native of the tropical rainforest of South America. 

The uakari live in troops of 10 to 30 other monkeys. The is number can actually grow to 100. 

Unlike most monkeys the uakari has a short tail. Instead of using it to hang it helps it maintain balance. With powerful hind legs the uakari can leap over 60 feet from tree to tree.

Thanks guys see you tomorrow. Don't forget to check out the interview.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

T is for....


(That was fun to draw)

Fun fact: First I have to say this is easily my favorite animal. I have always loved tigers since I was a little kid. 

At one point there were 9 subspecies of tiger. Of these, 3 are extinct, 1 is extinct in the wild and the rest are endangered.

This is one of the apex predators and can even hunt and kill bears. Mostly nocturnal these magnificent beast are ambush predators. Using their stripes as camouflage, they leap upon their prey and use their body weight to drag them down. With a powerful bite to the neck  the fight is soon over.

Cubs stay with their mother for around 2 and a half years. The mother must protect her cubs from male tigers who would kill them so she would be receptive to mating again. 

The largest species of tiger, the Siberian, can weight up to 675 pounds and stand over 3 feet at the shoulders. 

This is an animal who could actual soon only be seen in zoos. There are many places to donate for this and other endangered species. 

Thanks everyone, see you tomorrow. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

S is for...


Fun Fact: This arachnid has over 2000 species and one can be found in most countries around the world. Scorpions give birth to live young in litters ranging from 4 to 9 babies. The new scorpions instantly climb on their mothers back and are cared for until they can hunt on their own.

Fun story: There is a story in my family. It is something I have been told since I was young. I had a great, great, etc, grandfather who was in the civil war. He was a young man and had not started a family. 

During the preparation for an upcoming battle he was stung by a scorpion leaving the man in a sickbed while his fellows went to fight. Nearly every man was killed in this battle. 

After he finished his service, the man went home and found a wife and had children which through time led to my birth. Is it true? Maybe, but one thing is for sure—I don't look at scorpions the way most people do.

Thanks everyone see you tomorrow. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

R is for...


Fact: This animal is commonly known. The reason I wanted to use it for R is because this majestic animal is on the critically endangered list. Hunted for its horns, the rhinoceros is actively being protected from poachers.

Some other fun facts: 

The Rhinoceros actually makes its own sun screen by rolling itself in the mud and letting it dry. This also offers some protection against blood sucking insects.

Black rhinos are more aggressive than white rhinos and will charge due to their poor eyesight. 

Rhinos communicate using an intricate system of breathing exhalations combined with a series of grunts and squawks.

Black rhinos prehensile upper lip can not only pick leaves from branches, but can open gates and car doors. 

Hopefully one day we can see this animal thriving once more. 

Thanks everyone see you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Q is for...


Fun Facts: Besides looking like it was made at Pixar, the quokka is an interesting marsupial. A nocturnal animal found in Southern Australia, the quokka are herbivores. Because of their diet they can go months without drinking water at all. 

Thanks to all that are commenting. I promise to do better this week about getting around to all of you. My wife has gone back to work this week and I have been on solo new born duty. Anyway, thanks and see you all Monday. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

P is for...

Pink Fairy Armadillo

Fun Fact: Yes this animal is real. The PFA is the smallest of the armadillo family. Found in the dry grassy plains of Argentina, where the environment works well for this digging animal. In fact, if in danger the PFA can completely bury themselves in a matter of seconds. Its large claws allow it to move through sand like some creatures move through water.

O is for...


Fun Fact: Otters are actually in my Top 5 list of favorite animals. The otters thick fur enables it to stay warm even in near freezing waters. The otter's five toed webbed feet make then extremely adept swimmers. Their back feet are slightly larger giving then a "flipper" effect. The otter is an amazing fisherman. Consuming fish and crustaceans as well as lizards and other land animals. It is good that it finds food easily because, though small, the otter eats 20% of their body weight daily.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

N is for...


Fun Fact: Also known as the banded anteater the numbat is a marsupial found in Western Australia. These cute little animals eat an almost exclusive diet of termites. It loves its food so much it patterns its sleeping habits around when the wood eating insect is most active. Due to habitat lose these furry friends are on the endangered list. It is estimated that there are only 1500 numbats left in the wild.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

M is for


Fun Fact: Mongoose are small rodent-like animal that resemble meerkat. Found in Asia, Africa and parts of Europe. This animal has an interesting trait. Mongoose seem to be almost immune to snake venom. The battle between these two creatures was made famous by Rudyard Kipling.

Movie Recommendation

Based off of a short story in Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book. I loved this movie as a kid. The music and situation are more serious than your average animated feature, but the hero is to this day one of my favorites. I recommend watching with your kids if you have not seen this before.

Thanks guys see you tomorrow.

Monday, April 14, 2014

L is for...


(The above comic is not a factual representation of Lionfish...carry on.)

Fun Fact: Though not a large fish the lionfish have spines that release a venom which is quite potent. These fish are very territorial and intimidate other creatures with their outlandish looks. 

It is also an invasive creature. Originally from India and the Western Pacific, they were brought to Florida as an aquarium fish. After a hurricane destroyed a few tanks they started to appear around the lower coast of Florida and have now spread all the way to Long Island, NY. 

Writing Prompt

The diving bell worked. Thomas thought I was insane to try it, but the scientific benefits of diving so low were amazing. Besides after that mess with the lion fish I needed new means to research this vast and stunning world. My foot still ached at the thought of that spiny creature.

Thank guys see you tomorrow. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

H, I, J, K is for...Internet?

So before I start. The past few days I have been fighting with my internet/provider to try and get service back. It has not been fun. This has caused me to miss a few days of A-Z and not get around to see all of you. Instead of just losing those days I am going to at least post the pictures I drew.

H is for Hummingbird

I is for Ibis

J is for Jellyfish

K is for Kingfisher

Fun Fact: While some Kingfishers use tree hollows, others actually nest in tunnels they dig in the ground. Their tunnels can be as long as 26 feet with their nest at the end. Both male and female birds incubate their eggs which can hatch in 3 to 4 weeks.

See you guys Monday for our regularly scheduled program.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

G is for...


Fun fact: Great Whites can grow as long as 20 feet, weigh up to 500 lbs and has a mouth sporting 300 teeth. With these numbers it is easy to see why they rule as predators of the ocean.  Besides humans the one natural predator this apex hunter has, is the orca whale.

 A documented incident in 1997 showed an orca female holding a great white upside down to induce tonic immobility. After fifteen minutes the orca ate the dead shark's liver. It is believed that the scent of the dead shark caused all other great whites in the region to flee the area. 

Writing Prompt

Sorry for the lack of writing prompt today. I will have one for you all tomorrow.

Thanks see you all tomorrow.

Monday, April 7, 2014

F is for...


Fun fact: Falcon's can dive at 200 mph making them the fastest creatures on the planet. Its tapered wings make it very agile in the air. This combination of speed and agility leaves very few predators. Of course humans are among the few killing this beautiful creature. 

Writing Prompt

"I did it uncle. I trained him." The young boy held his falcon on a gloved hand.

"I see," Herald said. "This is a special day then."

Herald watched the boy smile and run back out into the field. He'd helped him learn to be a falconer. Now he would have to make him a king.

Thank you guys. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

E is for...

Emperor Tamarin

Fun Fact: Eperor Tamarin are a group of "bearded" monkeys. They received their name from a resemblance to the German Emperor, Wilhelm the second who sported a similar mustache. Two thirds of the females are trichromats(see three colors), this allows them to find fruit easier. The groups of mostly male monkeys are lead by the oldest female.

Writing Prompt

George cut through the thick brush his note pad in hand. Carter was close behind mumbling something about the heat. George was about to push forward when a chirping sound caught his attention.

"Oh wonderful. Do you see it there in the tree? Don't forget to catalog this in your notes," Cater said.

"Of course. Tamarin monkey, approximately—"

Carter cleared his throat. "Emperor."

"Pardon me?" George asked.

"This is an Emperor Tamarin." Carter smiled up at the primate. 

George raised an eyebrow. "And what makes it so tyrannical?" 

Carter sighed pushing past George. "I would hazard a guess that it has something to do with its beard. Anymore questions or shall we continue?"

George smiled. "Just one. What is so hazardous about a guess?"

Carter threw up his hands and pushed through the foliage. George chuckled, penning a few more notes and followed his brother deeper into the forest.  

Sorry for the late entry it was a long morning with the new born. 

Thanks everyone see you tomorrow. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

D is for...


Fun Fact: A small rodent mostly found in Europe. 100 years ago they were often found as pets in the country side, made famous through the Mad Hatter's tea party in Alice in Wonderland. These days the species is in decline as more of its habitat is destroyed. There are actually houses made for them people can buy, like bird houses, to help the animal survive. 

Writing Prompt
Henry stepped over the fallen log. Leaves crunched at his feet. He stopped making sure no one was in pursuit. He was being paranoid. There is no way anyone knew what he'd done. The bag felt heavy in his hand. He shouldn't have taken it. No, it was too late to think that way. He would go forward bravely. A sound behind him caused him to let out a scream and throw the cloth bag into the air. Composing himself, he scrambled on the ground to retrieve the bag. A small dormouse squeaked at him from a short distance away. No one else was present. With a chuckle he thought to himself, I will be brave, starting now

Thanks everyone. See you tomorrow.